So how do you know this process of de-whitifying oneself isn't rooted in whiteness? I could make the case that there's nothing more white than a white guy who wants to let go of whiteness - the very thing you're pushing towards, a sort of utopian society free from distrust, contempt and with a sort of Star-Trekian recognition of brotherhood and sisterhood - is entirely born out of the enlightenment and white idealism.
And this is my issue with much of the focus on race and racial injustice. It's not that there isn't merit or benefit to it - it's simply that you're fighting the psychological condition of putting people in skin coloured boxes by consistently drawing attention to skin coloured boxes as a way of seeing the world.
I find it counter-intuitive, always have, it's why I'm a Penguin. If I weren't, people might decide what I could and couldn't write about or say.
Let me rephrase your argument.... if you see that your position has grown on the corpses of many poor people of all nationalities, on a system which benefits those people who are able to make and maintain financial resources - don't you reach a different and more inclusive conclusion - that the real injustice that people suffer is between the haves and the have-nots. Doesn't that also allow you to challenge the Indian Caste system, the Saudi Royalty, the Chinese State and for this to be humanitarian rather than paternalistic white supremacy as I suggested.
I think I prefer this rather than getting caught up in an idea about 'whiteness' which falls apart fairly easily under historical analysis if you go further back than the Transatlantic Slave Trade. I can see the catharitic benefit of this work - but I don't believe it is necessary or anything other than cathartic and by white people for white people.