Sometiemes I forget to clap - but it's usually because I've started a comment. I think comments are far more likely to engage a reader. If I see something that has a billion comments on it, I cannot wait to wade in - and I think this is the likely driver of the algorithm in a relational system. After all, one can clap for something one hasn't read in order to lure in someone into a reciprocal clapping obligation - this isn't relational. Instead I focus on adding comments to things I enjoy and I try to read very widely indeed.
I rarely consider my own claps or even look at them - there is no offence meant by this but I think they're an easily abused vanity metric. Sometimes I'll go and write encouraging things in the comments sections of newer writers, because trickle down niceness from more experienced writers to relative newbies is more encouraging than claps. :o)