That is not true. For one thing a democratic election will not throw up 100% votes from the assembled electorate. I do not endorse everything my government does because I didn’t vote for them - I respect the mandate they have, but I don’t necessarily deserve to have my life impacted because everyone else in the U.K. wanted to elect Liz Trues using the mechanisms afforded to us.
Secondly, Hamas were voted in by 44% against Fatah’s 42% or similar figures, it was not a clear mandate. Thirdly, both Fatah and the Bush administration attempted to de-rail those elections when it became obvious Hamas were polling better than they expected.
And finally, there have been no subsequent elections since 2006 because once Hamas were in power they stayed in power. So the 60% of people already not represented in the vote now also add to their ranks anyone around 35 and under who were too young to vote. Those people have grown up under a radical government in a set of escalating tensions…. See Hitlerjugend for more about the perils of this.
And for all these reasons (and plenty more) ‘if they selected Hamas - they deserve the result’ does not contain a sufficient amount of either analysis or compassion.