That's a level of complexity that most middle class white people don't want to address. Happy to put lefty slogans in their windows, happy to fight for racism, turn into screaming Nazis when a traveller community is in their local area.
In the article they are shown on the graph in a separate section from the white working class - but that line is so far below the baseline for all other areas it should be jumping out to everyone as an area of huge concern.
Intersectionality doesn't apply to white children - not in the current modus operandi of identity politics. If a traveller child is straight and white, that's all we need to know. Heteronormative, racially privileged - everything else is irrelevant or discounted. No amount of 'travellerness' will offset this because the community is 'a nuisance' and their way of life doesn't gel with the predominantly champagne socialist metropolitan left.
Unless there's a radical overhaul to the education system (and neither of our main parties is suggesting one) that disadvantage is going to continue to accumulate for plenty more generations and traveller communities will continue to be viewed as a threatening group.
Thanks for raising this point, nobody else has - and I glossed over it in the article because it isn't the subject of the article itself.... but I may write about it properly in the future. i'll need to do a lot more research before I release that article though :o)