
That's semantic fuckduggery. That argument could also lead to.... 'there are printed copies of this book in the world, so if you got on a plane, hunted down a particular individual, told them the password, got shown into the back-room, stripped naked and then read the book.... is it really banned?'

The book is not freely available in classrooms and the reason given is that it contains obscenity. That's all. In an understanding of 'banned' to mean 'not freely available in schools' then it has been banned from schools. It will still be available from Amazon....which is also why these ultra-conservatives are stoooopid. You tell kids they can't do something they'll immediately find a way to do it. It's self defeating.



Argumentative Penguin
Argumentative Penguin

Written by Argumentative Penguin

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: argumentativepenguin@outlook.com

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