That's the nature of law I'm afraid. If it's technically within the rules, then it doesn't have to be moral. It would be moral and thoughtful for a court to have a 2 leftists, 2 rightists and 3 centrists on a court - and if I were trying to put together a Supreme Court, that's what I'd aim for.... but if you don't have the Governance for that, then you set up an ideological chess match. Historically that wasn't the case, until it was - and that's as much the fault of Democrats as Republicans. The initial law was flawed (as I highlighted in my first article) and was a political fait accompli masquerading as morality, when it should have done no such thing - from that point on, it was always going to be shamfuckery from both sides until McConnell or someone like him got really really good at the game and someone like Obama took his eye off the game.