The breakdown of the family is a long and complicated thing across Western Democracy. Whilst I'm generally in favour of individualism, it does have to be embedded in something. What the 20th Century generally did in the West was take embedding out of families, then take it out of social groups like workers unions and churches (more so here than in the USA) and then fail to embed individuals in anything other than tiny dysfunctional units with no recourse to help. Nuclear families aren't normal - and we have re-defined loneliness to be the new normal. I should probably write an article about it sometime.
I'm not even convinced it's being weird or odd, I'm seeing the overpathologising of everything at the moment. Behaviours squarely in the bell-curve of 'relatively benign and normal' are falling quickly into evidence of ADHD or Autism, when in fact it's perfectly normal in an overtired society to not be able to find your keys once in a while. No good thing can come of this.... you mark my Penguin prophecy. :o)