The girl in question was 23 - but that doesn't matter, not everyone who disagrees with my assessment is ill informed, but plenty of people who do (certainly in the UK at least) are woefully underinformed.
Of course Hamas aren't the only Government in Palestine, but their presence makes any two state solution difficult. Rejection of the two state solution in the Oslo Accords and then the Camp David summit led pretty much directly to the Second Intifada and the civil war in Gaza - and a lot of bloodshed. You seem to be overlooking this conflict (technically frozen not finished) and the fact that the best electoral strategy for Palestinian extremists is to generate a continuing conflict, albeit one sided. Why would it continue to fire rockets into Israel knowing full well that most of them won't get through and there's no protection from any return fire?
Don't get me wrong, I don't like the right wing approach that Netenyahu took and I don't think Naftali Bennett will provide anything different - but I can see that the increasingly extremist governments on both sides have arrived in the wake of the failure of the two stage solution. As long as rockets keep being fired into Israel, there will likely be a right wing government, for fairly obvious reasons. As long as Israel retalliate to those rockets, there's not likely to be a decent move to the centre ground. There has been a lot of assistance heading into Palestine. Since 2000, the European Union has provided more than €827 million in humanitarian assistance to help meet the basic needs of the Palestinian population. but it is not in the interests of hardline extremists to let the country revover. That is not how you maintain a democratic advantage - so whilst I appreciate the desire to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people (and I do) - that has to be coupled with an understanding of systemic change from the political extremes, otherwise it's pointless.
An ad-hominem attack and inference about racism is beneath you in a political discussion like this one. I wouldn't accuse you of being anti-semitic (because I don't think you are and it would simply be a tactic to try and 'win' the discussion) I am neither racist and I do care about Arabs, but as I've said in the article and hopefully illustrated in this rebuttal - this is complicated and the best course of action for the arab population may not be the empowerment of their government's legitimacy by under informed left wing virtue signalling.