The large breasted teacher is fine to resolve - the school doesn't have a problem with trans-teachers, it has a problem with boundaries around that expression. All the cis-male teachers need to threaten to come to school with enormous attachable tumescent penises and say they're doing so because it's part of their identity as they now identify as 'alpha-sexual men' rather than just men.
There will be outrage. This is the patriarchy! This is unsafe near children. They must be rogue paedophiles, how dare they? At which point you say that gender expression is fine but such expression has to be appropriate. The message children are getting from such a teacher isn't the positive one society thinks. Progressives may think they're throwing down a shining example of people being who they want to be without discrimination - but they're demonstrating a psychological circus with someone who has some complicated issues. And before I'm slammed that isn't about her being trans, choosing breasts that size means she's got issues similar to 90s icon Lolo Ferrari (and I wouldn't have let Lolo continue to teach at school either).
Society is teaching kids a total lack of enforceable boundaries and pretending this is a good thing. It really isn't. Great article. Nothing to argue with here. :o)