The Penguin always comes to play when they're invited! Rarely do people think to invite me. This is a great story and what a fascinating life story you've got going on. I remember back in a previous life, when I was a younger Penguin - I worked as an usher in a large theatre in the South West. Mostly musicals. Lots of matinees. For me it was a job to get me through University - but one of the ushers was a qualified PhD in law... specialising in Maritime Law. She was making her money elsewhere - but she'd got the job whilst she was studying and still considered it a wonderful way to spend her time.
It feels like you're cut from the same sort of cloth.... there's a delight in education for the sake of education. When it comes to money for time, I'd rather have the time and I'll try my hand at most things. Recently, to fuel my career as a screenwriter/playwright, I learned a very niche piece of British law inside out and backwards. Now I provide a service based entirely in this area. It's not interesting - but it pays the bills whilst I invent worlds in my head. So, what I guess I'm saying is, more power to you. The world needs more renaissance women.... we're coming to the end of Capitalism round one, the future is looking a lot more uncertain - so it pays to diversify and enjoy your little speck of creativity between the two infinite amounts of darkness either side of existence (I'm an atheist).
Apologies for the following bit of Penguin splaining... I didn't have time to a pedagogic model for this.
I'd recommend utilising the TITLE, Subtitle, picture, content as your set-up. Look at any of my stories as a template. The title of this piece is actually the 'subtitle'. The heading would be something like.... 'Too Old And Qualified To Be Any Use To Society?' (emotive and mysterious) then your current title....then a picture.... make sure you scour Pixabay/Pexels for something that's got human beings in it (human faces push engagement - rather than coffee machines). I'd go for something like this.
The story is perfect and interesting. You didn't give it a chance to fly - I'd recommend sending it into 'The Authentic Eclectic' where Alison the Garrulous Glasweigan will give it the kick into the air it deserves. I think it'll fly.
Thanks for dropping by on my little corner of Medium and I hope I didn't overstep with the Medium Penpedagogy. :o)