The polarisation of the Depp/Heard trial has been disappointing, because it continues to undermine the cause of feminism and a push for equality under the law that so many women and men have been working towards. I've written about the trial a few times and watched most of it - I've been surprised by the number of people who waded in to give their verdict after watching none of it. The evidence was pretty clear across the trial and it seems self-evident (at least to me) that Amber Heard has a personality disorder which means this is going to rumble on and on and on.... she will not stop. The more she goes on, the more outrageous the claims will be and the more her supporters will find their credibility stretched.
On that note, feel free to ignore XX, she shows up everywhere a man needs to be bashed and most places where they don't. Flying the flag for misandry under the banner of feminism at every turn. This is an excellent article - excellently researched and brilliantly put together. I'm guessing you're new to Medium but you're not new to writing - and so consider yourself followed with eager anticipation of further Cervera articles. :o)
If you're interested then here's my take on the whole thing.
With links to other Heard/Depp stories at the bottom of that article. Enjoy. And welcome to Medium! :o)