The question remains. So what. If they were racists and they were taught by racists to be racist - exactly how do you think shouting about how racist they are is going to make them less racist?
Don't get me wrong, like for like, a white guy on welfare and a black guy on welfare are not having the same experience..... and that's because of systemic racism. But we're not talking about like for like. We're talking about a society which is more complex than that.
I think the TV thing is a mixed bag and you're skewing your argument. Poor people of all skin colours are mocked on daytime TV - and I'd suggest (at least here in the UK) that we avoid the black people are clowns and white people are suffering in noble ways. I see your argument and I raise you the pursuit of happiness.
Poor people aren't bitter because they're white.... they're bitter because of the gap between their income and others in the next bracket up. I could entertain an argument that poor white people are more bitter because the gap between poor white and elite white has been historically greater than poor black and elite black. That'd be a 'we're all in this together' cohesiveness borne out of systemic racism - but I don't think poor white folk necessarily think they deserve better than black folk. The greater the gap, the greater the problem will become
Poor folk do deserve better... and they deserve better than having left-wing politicians spending legislative time and energy working out pointless ways the middle class can feel good about themselves.
I think we can address racism, but we have to give everyone the mental space to do so. That's freeing people from poverty. Maybe if they had the space and the time to mix more, maybe they they'd start to question some of the things they were taught by their racists grandparents and parents.