The reconciliation is easy…. It was my job. My job was very clearly defined, I was there to represent the voice of the child. There was no moral component required on my part. It was not my argument, it was the argument of an eight year old girl who didn’t understand the implications of what she wanted - but not understanding the long term implications of what you want means people have to explain it better and hell, if you still love your dad because he’s all you know, then this needs to be taken into account in the decision making.
I don’t hold the view that children should be in relationships with adults, but I do hold the view that children’s wishes and feelings need to be considered and need to be taken seriously. Switching off my own feelings about matters might be one of those non-CVable skills that few penguins and people have: it’s not for everyone.
Reconciled? I think so. Uncomfortable? Sure. But life is complicated like that.