The trial was interesting and Dr A can’t be named (for legal reasons). She was all flavours of evasive on this question, he was married, they were colleagues - but she did talk about having a boyfriend and messages seemingly did stray into flirtatiousness. She was deeply distressed by his betrayal, or at least faked a suitable level of distress - however I suspect it was motivated by frustration that she was no longer ‘in control’ of their relationship.
I suspect he agreed to be part of the prosecution on the proviso of both anonymity and the prosecution don’t go down that line of sexual questioning. I suspect the defence didn’t go down that route either cos they didn’t want to prove she was duplicitous. Limerence is interesting to consider and it seems to be what the prosecution were hinting at - but I don’t think psychopaths have the capacity for it. Not in the way you or I would understand it at least. :o)