The world generally moves left and liberalises slowly with every passing generation - it’s the nature of human beings to put aside their parents practices.m, I am less optimistic than you though… ‘woke’ for want of a better word isn’t about making the world a better place, it’s about the psychological rebalancing of power - and the problem with that is that there are just as many unhinged people on the left as there are on the right. In much the same way conservatives use social pressure to force obedience, so will faux-liberals, and in due course their children will rebel and move back to the middle ground - I would argue that’s happening, and for every moderate (like what I am) there is a kid bee-lining for a moderate conservative worldview in direct opposition; it ain’t old white guys propping up influencers like Andrew Tate. Outside of individual bubbles, things aren’t as rosy as they seem. :o)