There's a difference between a 'creative project' that a group of sixth formers might put in the local village hall - and the buyout figures for a five season show with worldwide rights. Huge amounts of money.
As I said, I don't have a problem with that at all... but the platform being presented by the show is one of equality, fairness and empowerment. That may be the message given out, but it isn't supported by the actions of the production company in creating the message.
I am not outraged by it either, merely amused by the discrepency between what is SAID by those who push for 'equality and fairness' and what is DONE by those people. There's no pretzel, there's no jab at the left - I'm a lefty myself, there's simply an undeniable double standard between Schitt's creek the show and Schitt's Creek the financial arrangement.
That doesn't mean there isn't worse nepotism and corruption elsewhere - you need only look at the White House to see that... but that's 'whataboutism' and that shouldn't be acceptable either.