There’s a reason why throughout history we haven’t run society via the loudest voices. Crowds almost always think in binary terms, they’re often under informed about all of the information and they make poor judgments buoyed up by dissipating the collective responsibility between them.
Britney Spears is a very vulnerable woman with a complex psychology. There needs to be some advocacy on her behalf by qualified people making informed decisions. Those decisions need to be scrutinised by legal professionals and this all needs to be done out of the glare of a populace who have turned it into a pantomime. The current trend of binary heroes and villains needs to be called out for the childish nonsense that it is. The collective maturity of Twitter appears to have stopped at about seven years old.
If it goes really really wrong - and it still might, there should be an enquiry and key leading members of the #FreeBritney campaign should be held accountable for their involvement. Words matter and far too many people use them unthinkingly and skip alway when the results of their words don’t have the desired effect.