There's an interesting rebuttal which could be made to your argument - and I'm going to make it. That comes with the argumentative territory. If you're going to argue that there is a culture of paedophilia or hebephilia then you wouldn't expect to find it as a worldwide phenomenon. If something has arisen across multiple cultures, across the world - from India, to Africa, from South America to Europe - then such a thing could only be exacerbated by culture rather than caused by it.
There I think you've got a good argument. There's something quite unsettling about living in a culture that counts down the days until Emma Watson hit the legal age of consent - as my country did. There are some serious questions which need to be asked about Japan and perhaps of some of the American Beauty pageants as an example.
But I think this is a cross cultural thing, child brides seem to arise in most places across history (and in many places in the world now) - so I think there's something more complicated going on than simply Pornhub makes men into child abusers. I think H.N is on to something when he talks about the age of menstruation becoming earlier alongside life expectancy getting longer. Our ancestors lived fast and died young - we don't. The concept of childhood - which seems fixed in our minds, when viewed across history is a more complicated picture.
That doesn't mean there's any excuse for men to go out and about leering at young teenage girls. Far from it. But it does present us with a complicated problem - one people don't really want to discuss, but one which will find an outlet in the darker aspects of society.
As KatieJgln says, welcome to Medium. I think you're gonna do great here. :o)