There's no outwitting anyone. I'll be brief though as I think we're getting to the end of what can be considered meaningful discussion.
They pointed out something they believed was racism. That is a belief. Like all beliefs it is open to challenge. It has nothing to do with white supremecy. That's simply a handy KafkaTrap into which any rebuttals can be placed.
Once again. Read the argument fully. I'm saying that the current style of combatting white privilege (identity politics) is making the situation for minority groups worse rather than better. That doesn't mean I'm FOR white privilege. It's perfectly possible to hold a nuanced position. Whilst well meaning white people are holding the world to account, the backlash doeesn't land in your lap. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a white supremicist. And not everything you do and say will be good for the world in general. You may wear your pants outside of your trousers, but that doesn't make you a superhero.
So back to basics. The only way to combat racism is through individual self reflection and integrated societies at the community level. That's it. Nothing about identity poltiics promotes that. Rather it's the opposite, it promotes difference and encourages people to consider that anyone who disagrees with them must be an enemy... and that they shouldn't be listened to.
Nothing about the way the average SJW views the world promotes the tolerance they think it does. That is why 'progressives' are fast becoming a laughing stock. The intolerant tolerant. It seems though, with enough effort - the average 'progressive' can be offended by almost everything.
I'm afraid you've jumped the shark on the giraffe comment. It was a film. It wasn't a treatsie on BAME rights, it was a story. It was a silly story. It wasn't put out as a comment on race relations in the US, it was a kids film. It was the first PIXAR film to have an African American protagonist and be directed by an African American director.... but none of that matters. That's not progress, that's not moving in the right direction and helping society heal - that's not gradually eroding white supremecy at the source.
Obviously not, because you and the OP decided the barbershop scene was cack-handed and racist and we should cancel it. And Jamie Foxx too whilst we're at it. They can all go in the bin. White supremecist the lot of them - all beause the OP says so, and god help anyone who might disagree... because disagreement on any level is contrarian and that's just racism, the patriarchy, white supremecy and other SJW buzzword thrown out in lieu of actual thought.