There's something about the American brand of Libertarianism which feels dirty. Like it's shooting guns in the air and being defiant about everything - and storming city hall if anyone tries anything irksome.
I have no problem with people making their own risk asssessments and responding the best way they see fit - it just means you have to trust everyone to behave as if everyone else mattered too. The rampant individualism that pervades Western societies makes this very difficult.
So the Libertarian right go out to City Hall with their masks off to stick it to the man. And the left get all het up in public, but do their own transgressions in private using the bizarre justifications you've outlined. I think it'd be great if everyone got a) educated and b) civic minded without deferring to the Government on every single matter. I say that as a rare breed. A left leaning libertarian.
Great article as always.