These examples you give aren’t cancellations. They’re examples of shitty employers acting the way they can because your country threw away union rights in a fit of racist pique in the 1950s. Not the smartest move. Can confirm you wouldn’t be fired in the U.K. under our employment laws.
However, that’s by-the-by because I’m not talking about cancellation via private complaint, however spurious. The equivalent would be you going on a date, someone filming you, sharing that film with everyone in their social media connections, all those people presuming your dancing was inappropriate without any of the wider context (you’d been invited etc). Then your bosses firing you regardless without investigation, despite nobody involved making a complaint.
Cancel culture isn’t about people being fired for poor decisions, it’s about the empowerment of electronic vigilantism. Not just that of course, but also the trial, judge jury and execution of justice with zero process.