These questions are essentially those of an idiot and you've dealt with them very well.... that said, I do think there's a wider issue here and it's one to which writers like Ms Jgln contribute. I wrote about it here.
There was one question some feminists did find difficult to answer - where were the voices speaking out against the conscription of men at the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Feminists were somewhat silent on the matter. One reader of an article I wrote on this popped up to tell me that 'men start wars' and 'so men should die in wars' - one of the quickest ways I've been able to identify the fine line between feminism and misandry.
I think we have to be more careful than we think, Tate is an obvious example of misogyny in action, he's a repugnant ass-hat, but that doesn't mean the more low-key sass-filled misandry-as-feminism articles aren't just as dangerous. Katie has 37K followers, but such rapid growth makes me uneasy, especially as she doesn't brook any dissent. Tubthumpers caught in echo chambers of adoring fans are difficult to hold accountable - and we should be extra careful when we agree with them.