They were both abusers may not wash when put in that context - but it depends upon the lens under which you are prepared to view her actions.
If she has BPD (and I believe she does) then her internal map of how the universe works is predicated on abandonment and polemic thinking. She works under two necessary principles for survival a) she must be morally and intellectually right and b) everyone abandons her eventually and anyone who does is a monster.
That has arisen out of her own abusive childhood. She hasn’t manipulated the facts out of an evil agenda, she’s trying to make the world work the way she needs it to, in order to keep psychologically surviving.
Such a person is dangerous, the ACLU and the Washington Post should’ve known better than to present an op-ed without due diligence. I think she did all of those things you listed, because I listened to the evidence. But I am loathe to berate her in the same way lots of people have done.
Depp was forced into a public trial by the manifest stupidity of flying monkeys. His options were limited and his reasons were clear. However, I think we can be better at compassion, for both of them. This trial has been catharsis for him and hell for her.