They were indeed. I have long argued that focussing on the articles that make money here is the quickest way to become unhappy with the platform. The human brain is wired to achievement and payment becomes the defacto measurement of reward. Writers can't help that if they don't mentally check themselves and readjust. Economic stoicism is under-rated. ;o)
Put your stories behind the paywall - write whatever you want to write and don't look at the money. Do not let it factor into your thoughts at all. I can tell you in the five years I've been writing here I have had decent money, lean months, absolute poverty, some bumper months where writing covered my rent - and everything in between. I show up, I write, I engage and I go away again. If you ignore the money (and you should) it's a great place to hone your craft and explore your own writing and that of others. Medium has made me a better writer and paid me a fluctuating token amount for the privilege of learning here.
I don't think money corrupts, I think the psychology of people around money corrupts - and Medium is a platform not a cash cow. Historically it has been a place for business people who write, under the new CEO it seems to be a place for writers who (like me) accidentally do business as a result of writing. Don't chase the money dream, live the daily writer dream and the money might follow. If it doesn't then I wouldn't worry about it - take your writing skills and employ them elsewhere. :o)