This is a commonly held point of view by many men, myself included. You have addressed it very well in your article. Over the last five years you will have noticed a significant decline in men commenting on such matters in public forums.
The reason is simple. What seems to you like somebody being an ally, seems to other women like disempowerment. Men stepping on the toes of an area of legislation and the human conditon that doesn’t concern them.
For you, abortion is a human rights issue and should be commented on by everyone. For other women who are less inclined to think that way, this is not the case. Your article presumes that women have a single homogenous feeling on the matter — “ Read what we are writing, listen to what we are saying, and find concrete actions to be taking.” only holds to be true if what is being written, and said isn’t contradictory. It’s impossible to be an ally to a movement that hasn’t got a firm and concrete view of what it thinks or which direction it is heading.
When it comes to speaking out on issues involving women, as a man you’re often dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. When I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t — I don’t. I suspect many men feel the same way.
Thanks for writing. I enjoyed the article very much and hope it continues to get some well deserved traction :o)