This is a difficult one and it gets to heart of what I intended to write about with the vagina patriarchy... much to Carol's disgust. Elle also raises a point about culture and subconscious understanding and I do understand that people are subjected to mental forces beyond their control - but I also appreciate that projection is one of those forces. Put simply, if you have been burned, you may be more likely to see fire everywhere.
By framing the discussion as a warning and/or considering 'fringe cases' like Di Caprio as an absolute (as happened with the article I responded to initially), women also create a subconscious pressure on other younger women. You may see that as a safety issue and you may be able to navigate that tightrope very well with an erudite and headstrong teen with whom you have a strong and open relationship.... but it is still a form of control. The difference between 'I'm your husband and i know best' and 'I'm your mother and I know best' is the genitalia and the prior knowledge, the action of implicit or explicit control is the same.
So in answer to your question, no... I don't think I would warn her.... because a warning implies I have already pre-decided for her. I think I would provide balanced information, particularly about brain chemistry and early years development. I would suggest she looks up horror stories but also the wonderful stories of love conquering Chronos and then I would expect her to make up her own mind. I don't want her to be told or warned. She'd be welcome to ask my opinion. Human beings are complicated, love is complicated, My parenting style would be benevolent in absentia unless requested and then 'both sides of the coin and over to you kiddo' for the rest of it. :o)