This is a great article and very enjoyable indeed, my biggest concern is the inability of human beings to pass on critical reasoning to the next generation. I've seen it in my social circle, people being guided by what are generally a blend of feelings and opinions - something the garrulous glasweigan calls 'Feelpinions' - and those are dangerous. They're often based on a surface assessment of the information that comes in - without contemplating the veracity of that information OR the fact the information coming in isn't all the information that's available.
Critical reasoning has dropped away, people seem genuinely ill at ease with finding disagreement. They find it threatening. If your concept of personhood is based on your identity, and your identity is based on a wobbly idealogue poorly thought through set of concepts - the whole thing is a house of cards. It can, and does, comes crashing down. Here's an example of that in action.