This is a slippery slope argument for the left - who will quite often demand we pay attention to crimes committed 200 plus years ago. We can either look at history or we can't. If we can then we need to look at all of it. Israel is a liberal democracy, it moved to the left after the Oslo Accords. Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas did their best - but the Hamas 1988 charter was clear in its intention. By the late 1990s the Israeli left was battered and out - and you get a resurgence of the right-wing. There was a chance at a peaceful two-state solution and it was squandered - made impossible by the 2006 elections. There are paradigms that shift - but make no mistake, the Israeli right aren't the friends of progressive lefts like me - but Hamas sure as hell aren't either. We have to be very careful when we discuss these things, because the enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend. My thoughts are here if you're interested.