This is a very good piece and brings in some of the sheer complexity at play in Britain at the moment. It sounds like your tenant has some mental health issues likely stemming from childhood, but these cannot be easily resolved by a community and will see her at a low-level ASBO attention seeking for a long time to come.
I think you're bang on in your analysis and it's being played out across the UK, particularly in the most recent election. Those people who immigrated here in the 1960s and 1970s were almost certainly much brighter, bolder and adventurous than the native population - they just didn't speak the language. They have imbued their children with educational attainment as a positive and often retained a sense of community. Thatcherism meanwhile decimated the white working class industries particularly in the north. From the ashes of Thatcher's bonfire, the second and third generation of Black and Brown people have emerged with work ethic and an upward trajectory, but many of the white working class have emerged with bitterness and bile. It's difficult for everyone.
I disagree with Patsy (though I often do and she's used to it) I'd say it isn't a product of skin colour - the whole white/whyte thing is anathema to how I see the world. I see this as a class thing. If we can improve economic circumstances and find ways of mixing people together in well-funded communities and project, we can build a place of trust. I don't think the previous Government was doing that, despite being the most ethnically diverse Government we've ever had. It's money and what you do with it that matters, not skin colour and racism. It's a symptom not a problem.
I don't know how you get rid of your problematic tenant. I don't know how we resolve this wider race problem quickly either. I don't think anyone does, but if it goes unchecked we shall see these chickens come home to roost with the Reform party in 2029. Terrifying. Great piece of writing. :o)