This is absolutely batshit. This. Absolutely insane. You’re essentially saying that any woman who accuses any man MUST be the victim, whether or not she provides evidence, whether or not a court finds him innocent, regardless of anything else…. She must be believed because she’s a woman…. And you don’t know why men (and women won’t get behind this worldview).
I actually watched the trial. Sat through the evidence and I can assure you that her evidence didn’t stack up. That’s what the legal process is for. Actually fairly judging people based on the evidence… not on what they’ve done in their lives, not on what they’re like as people, just on what they present in court.
What you’re arguing is a return to trial by accusation. Ideally based on the fact that accusers are always women who are telling the truth and men are always abusers who always lie. In trying to insist on that world, you set feminism back. Because equal rights for women doesn’t mean special treatment under the law -you’re arguing for misandry not feminism…. And that’s fine, but it leads to a very predictable backlash.