This is an excellent article, very well written and very resonant. I think you've hit the nail on the head, but I'm not convinced JD's actions are entirely altruistic. I think it's more 'fuck it, why not?' than any great desire to change society for the better. There's something very unfair about not being able to give your side of the story - and now he has, and what's more important is that his legal team are allowing Heard the chance to do her full story out in the open, with all its inconsistencies and flaws.
These issues are complicated - and the involvement of the general public... many of whom are now calling for Amber Heard to be destroyed never ceases to amaze me with it's vitriol and it's face-planting ability to get everything so wrong. It's never the best to be on the wrong side of a personality disorder - but those people do also deserve some of their own compassion. Whenever the public get involved in things, they fuck it up beyond all recognition.
In the spirit of wall sharing - I think you'd likely enjoy this one from the back catalogue. Which also concludes that people should stay out of legal matters.