This is an excellent rebuttal and would take me weeks to unpick and argue my case. I'm not saying I won't do that - I'm saying I don't have the time right now. However, such excellent point-by-point dismantling of my article deserves to be widely shared.
If you read my work then you'll know I'm a fan of good old fashioned discusison and debate. If you feel it's appropriate then please take this comment and put it into an article of your own. I will link your article at the bottom of mine - so that your rebuttal is more prominently placed and accessible to all. The marketplace of ideas doesn't have to be nice, but it should always be respectful.
There's a balance that writers must strike on Medium to ensure they are read. Some of this is about rhetoric and style, some of this is about avoiding a totally deep dive which can turn readers off. I see my place on Medium as a sort of 'centre ground provocateur' - a slightly bombastic style that prompts people to engage whether they agree or not. Underneath is a wider commitment to building a broad church of followers and getting them to read each other's work.
With that in mind - please do consider turning this comment into an article.