This is much clearer, but my original point remains. People didn't vote Republicn simply to be an ass to you. They voted for a myriad of reasons, some of which you might find offensive - but being offended by someone else is a choice.
Those Republicans may have voted to stop 'you lot' from destroying their country. They may have voted because 'you lot' wanted to do away with the entire police force. They might've voted that way because 'you lot' wanted to skip fair trials in the case of men accused of crimes. They might've voted because your lot are threatening to raise taxes and overturn the second amendment and make guns illegal.
You might not believe those things. You might believe some of those things. But when you paint a world as if 'Republican' or 'Democrat' is something you are rather than a political preference, then you pigeon hole everyone into an ideology. Society is complicated.
For what it's worth, I think that The Republican Senate behaved abominably, but that is limited to a small group of senators. I imagine many Republicans agree with that statement too - and many don't. They're a varied bunch, just as you and the democrats are.
If you know the healing process is going to end in forgiveness, my genuine question for you is....why not go there now? What does holding onto resentment achieve? Other than whipping up further resenment and reinforcing two already entrenched positions. If you're going to get there eventually, why not simply let go of whatever offence/anger you are choosing to let yourself feel and move into conversation and outreach mode.
People are entitled to feel whatever they want - the OP is entitled to feel angry, offended, pissed off and hurt... but feelings are no more than choices about where we want to concentrate our energy and thoughts. That's it. He's choosing to be angry, you're choosing to be angry. That doesn't sound like healing to me, it sounds like taking comfort in an echo chamber. The OP knows he can get thousands of people to read this sort of Republican bashing on a predominantly lefty outlet like Medium - but I don't think it's ethical to do so.