This isn't blaming anyone - everyone is responsible for their own choices. This was warning people that everyone is involved in a communication system and that system is becoming increasingly polarised. To which your response is to emphasise that you are a universal force for good and the other side is a universal force for evil. You are framing it as 'us' and 'them' and you're not even aware your view of the situation is binary. You see anything less than an endorsement of your position as evidence of malfeasance - this is the problem I have been repeatedly highlighting again and again and again to left-leaning folks.
Sure, you've kept your sons on side from dropping into the bro-sphere, did you do that by shouting 'You're a bunch of bastards?' at them ad infinitum? Or did you have reasonable face to face discussions which may have addressed some of their concerns in a maternal and caring way. You never had to worry about the enfranchised men in the first instance - it was always the disenfranchised ones who were going to go. They have been growing at a rapid rate of knots for the last four years and every frustrating interaction with someone who sees men as inherently bad, and who says 'we're not talking about men' or 'men need to work on themselves' is a continual flow of information that they're world view is correct. But it isn't. I know it isn't. You know it isn't - but where's the strategy? Where's the discussion? You can't even discuss it with me without reacting like you've been shot.
I have said it before, but it bears repeating. Marnita speaks, but she rarely listens.