Thoroughly enjoyed this - though I am a far bigger fan of the centre-ground bothsideism than you are. I generally think inviting people to debate with rational and sensible people is the quickest way to demonstrate the idiocy of their ideologies.
I'm going to go and do some researching on the 'Thought terminating cliche' - I think there are many on both the right and the left and they are becoming more and more prevalent as a short hand. I wrote about my least favourite - the word 'gaslight' a year or so ago.
Gaslighting aside, the language is being hijacked by both the right and the left for their own ends. The propaganda techniques as applied to countries by Governments are now being applied by individuals to other people in echo chambers. It's a dangerous time to encourage anyone not to get the full picture.
Whether I trust anyone to get the full picture or not I don't know. Thanks for an entertaining read. :o)