Those are a subset of white folks from a particular area at a particular instance - but I get your general point. White people vote in their own interests - a fact that is universally true of almost all people everywhere.
So here's the million dollar question... does consistently shouting 'you're all racist' at white people make them less likely or more likely to vote in the interests of others? The current vogue for polemic thinking is catharctic but counter productive. It simply stokes division - perhaps that's a division worth stoking and that's a question worth considering in light of the original Black Panther movement
However the conflation of being white and being a white supremicist will push voters in their droves to the right wing and become a self fulfilling prophecy. Unless moderate voices like Obama prevail and people of all colours are given the space to explore and unpack their thoughts around race - you're going to get a tinder box knee jerk society on the verge of defending 'what's right' - an entirely subjective concept that'll draw society inexorably towards civil war.