To insist that everybody should be entitled to ‘safe spaces’, but then to condemn someone for insisting on creating a ‘safe space’ — however absurd it seems — is having your cake and eating it. It smacks of hypocrisy. Yes #NotAllWomen make up lies and false accusations, but some do, and when they do, they destroy careers, lives and marriages. You as an individual woman cannot guarantee my safety as an individual man with all women, and conversely I cannot guarantee your safety as an individual women with all men.
I can respect your desire to have designated safe spaces free from men. I can respect your desire to be interacted with in a way that makes you feel safe. I can respect your desire to shape the world around you into a more comfortable place for you to be.
But it cuts both ways, and as such your article does not respect this man’s freedom to choose how he feels safe — and I say that as a man who thinks he’s being ridiculous. You may think he’s being ridiculous too — but show him the same deference you would to a woman making a similar choice because being alone with men makes her feel uncomfortable.
Because ultimately, that is what equality looks like.