Truth is entirely subjective. As long as you write with honesty, which you generally do — and as long as you invite discussion, which you generally do — then I don’t see a problem with anyone writing anything. The sky could be green under very particular circumstances — like the Northern Lights, or if there was a greater refraction of light coming through the atmosphere.
The problem comes with a) insisting the sky is ONLY green and everyone else is an idiot or b) people weaponising their offence against the concept of green.
I didn’t read your article — but if it prompted discussion then it was making the world a more interesting place and people stood to learn something from the discussion. If you learned something from the comments on it, then the world learned with you. If you deleted it because it caused offence then no open dialogue was created.
Nobody ever died of being offended. Nobody ever died of being ignorant either — change only comes with conversation. Let people get offended, then debate them— don’t set out to be offensive. Discussions will ensue, people will grow and learn.
Language and rhetoric should not be policed by the back door under the guise of progressivism. Weaponised offence is reductonist. Everyone can weaponise their own offence against everyone else and genuine conversation will cease on any issue. The right and the left are equally to blame for this in the modern world — read Orwell.
Oh and don’t you dare challenge me on this Mr Kuegler. Although I’m white, I’m also working class. Anyone competent enough to construct a rebuttal is clearly behaving in a classist manner — and I will be offended. :o)