Twitter is a selection of people playing word based war games. Whilst this is frustrating, it’s a game that you’re consenting to be part of. Controlling the language and the discourse is the aim of all the players — and this article suggests that you lost the battle but you’re going to keep fighting the war.
It looks like you were suspended for being aggressive — then you came back onto the field of play in disguise, then you got suspended again. And now you’re back on the squad and you’re ready to fight the right some more
I’m unsure what this article brings to the political discussion — other than to demonstrate that the right and left are equally bigoted. Both sides use social media as a vehicle to hold each other faux-accountable and discredit the opposition, and the whole thing is utterly pointless. There’s no doubt an equally inane article sitting on Breitbart that tells an identical and opposite story.
I quit Twitter precisely because I didn’t want to read the rantings of politically opposed idiots lobbing obscenities into the void. If Medium is going to be long-form twitter, then I’m off. I’ve already seen a gradual slide towards populist puff journalism that has been most unwelcome.
And yes… I appreciate that I didn’t have to read your article, and I didn’t have to comment here… but on behalf of all the centre ground moderates looking for respite from this pointless ‘progressives war’, please please please…go back to Twitter and stay there.