Urchling isn't alone, I have tried three times to read Dracula and each time I have given up. I found it turgid and dull and the characters were irritating. Without Bram Stoker though we don't get Buffy, so I'm willing to overlook it - but not willing to try a fourth time.
I watched Last of the Mohicans a few weeks back, the Significant Other Penguin enjoyed it significantly less than I did. There's quite a lot of 'walking through landscape' shots that were popular in the 1990s but have been replaced in modern cinema with whizzbangs and CGI.
I'm presuming Urch has read Wild Swans? If she hasn't, that's a strong recommend. Brain Plague sounds like a winner. I'll also add that to my list as it sounds like a good walking book (if its available on audible)