We can't resolve the trans-debates because we can't define the word 'woman'. It will go on forever. I think what you're seeing is a backlash against partisan nonsense. Trans activists barely represent the voice of trans-people, they represent a small splinter group of (mostly) middle class trans-folk who spend a fair amount of time adding new complexity to an already sturdy argument for equality.
The latest wave of feminism and the latest wave of LGBTQ+ activists have managed to pretty much undo all the work of the previous 40 years. The world is no safer for women or those from the LGBTQ+ community - and I'd argue it's more dangerous because the backlash it engendered. This seems to be prima-facie evidence that the entire world is made of bigots and transphobes - when in reality, it's a kick back at the insanity of whatever logic-defying nonsense and half baked ideas get rolled out this week.
The political left is behaving like the French circa 1793. Airtime is being given to the a) already privileged and b) the intellectually batshit and extreme. It's a cultural revolution which will lead precisely nowhere. Actually it'll lead to the 21st century equivalent of Napoleon - but only after we've gone through the insanity of changing the calendar and instigating a ten day work week - or whatever the LGBTQ+ version cooked up in an interenet formum of that happens to be.
My local theatre has improv classes specifically for women....no men allowed, apart from in the gender neutral toilets. It's important to respect the rights of women to be free from the creative shackles of male oppression, unless of course they're taking a piss. They also have a class solely for BIPOC improvisers, which is brilliant. They're so woke they've unironically done apartheid. When this is the sort of contradictory nonsense that springs up, is it any wonder the general population move to the right and vote for something akin to centre ground sanity?