Well.... the middle ground is somewhere I have found myself fairly regularly on a whole host of issues. In part because I don't think an over focus on identity is how to solve the world's ills, and in part because I think a lot of scrutiny needs to paid to popular ideas.
On Medium, I'd like to think I've brought together a diverse audience of people who share ideas with each other in an atmosphere of (mostly) mutual respect. I'd suggest that's a rare thing online where two people are almost always ready to fight straight out of the gate. You can go and read my story and follow the link to SC's story and that should help you get context for why Elle has written this one. https://medium.com/p/fd26c599d2bb
I contribute by working as a legal advocate for men and women held in a secure psychiatric setting, by ensuring any plays or screenplays I write meet the Bechdel test, I wrote a pantomime with a trans-romance at its heart and made sure at least 100 young children a night saw it across December. https://medium.com/p/8e182dd47ff6 - I cook in a soup kitchen and I am a liberal. What am I doing on the wider political level, not much. I try not to involve myself in politics if I can possibly help it.
But I am a liberal and I do mean liberal, progressives have strayed away from the path of liberalism into mandated tolerance at gunpoint and I am concerned this will continue to happen and make things worse for minority groups. I am often accused of being racist, sexist and transphobic - but this is often because I am kicking back at an echo-chamber over reach by activists who do not represent the vast majority of people they proclaim to. I am concerned about the conflation of misandry and feminism and wrote about it here. https://medium.com/p/c0ec43ff7a52
I believe gender egalitarians should be pushing towards updating laws to protect women and men from each other where crime is concerned. I don't think women should have to face their rapists in court but nor do I think men should be named ahead of a trial. Faster court processes, specialist courts, trauma centres and better evidence collecting is where I think feminism should be heading. I have made that case consistently. My gender egalitarian approach sees me sticking uncomfortably close to the law and advocating for changes to the law. This is most evident here....https://medium.com/p/108a8e36c61
Moving forward, I'll continue to speak in a reasonable albeit acerbic and humorous tone that people at the extremes don't enjoy, I'll do so in the hope that the moderately inclined who find me will also find each other. So far it is working and I hope Medium becomes a less divisive place as a result. :o)