What an excellent read. I think philosophical difference is a very good reason to have binned off these men and their somewhat worrying and outdated ideas of how life should be. The second guy needs some serious boundaries, probably some counselling and to be sent on a course about parenting. Love that you had a parlay with the Urchling.... there isn't enough parlay in the world.
A previous Penguin of mine was religious, their parents something important in the local baptist church. Their entire life was a semi-toxic example of suburban shamfuckery. Dad ruled the roost, he was middle-management in an insurance company and his wife (who was far more intelligent and lovely) stayed at home. He was the king of his own little kingdom. He was petty, vindictive and supercilious. He did not approve of me and my fairly militant aethiesm either. I spent 5 years with the ex-Penguin and was never accepted, I was told 'they would pray for me' and once we'd parted ways (somewhat amicably) it was suggested I was part of the devil's plan for tempting their child from the true path of Christ.
Less than two years after we split up the ex-Penguin married, an absolute Albatross with little in the way of intelligence, a strong desire to control my ex at all times. We were forced out of contact soon after the Albatross arrived. Most importantly of all, the Albatross was from the church though, and the parents were delighted.. They have three Hatchlings now and from what I can gather, they have become a carbon copy of the ex-Penguin's parents.
The SOP and I are much better matched. We have different parenting styles I think. I was raised with a little more parlay and a lot less help. The SOP was over-helped and under-valued - between us though, I reckon we could have a decent crack at a well-adjusted hatchling. We are very philosophically matched and that's an integral part of what makes us work as a pair. :o)