What is it you want to change exactly? Because, you're big on the rhetoric but light on the actual information. I presume you're all in favour of Hamas? Your solution to the problem is simply to withdraw any and all political support for Israel?
So what are you proposing? A one-state solution? A two state solution? A pan-Arabic Middle Eastern Caliphate. It's very easy to stand and shout words like 'racist and genocidal' like an enthusiastic toddler who learned some new words - but what are your actual solutions?
At no point have I said that mass slaughter of Palestinians is okay. You have inferred that because in your painfully simplistic view of the world there are 'goodies' and there are 'baddies' and you have prima facie made the decision who is who here. That's fine - but it's why you're not in charge of policy.
I have no idea who Bill Maher is - and our mainstream media is the BBC, it has been fairly neutral on the matter. Deliberately so. I have no desire for a Zionist state for much the same reason I don't want a caliphate, i'm a liberal - I'd prefer a liberal democratic process to take place, that will be entirely impossible with Hamas (go and actually read the charter - go and actually read about the Oslo Accords)
Unless of course you have a hotline the rest of us know nothing about and you, the political genius that is Matthew Talsma is prepared to bring Hamas into the liberal and democratic fold.