What I've done is point at the statitistics about the British education system and dared to suggest that the world might be a little more complicated than privilege being solely dependent on skin colour in some cases. You've gone off like a bomb.
You're bang on with my view, surprisingly. I'm an economic socialist. I think the best way to end racism is to economically empower as many people as possible out of poverty regardless of skin colour. Identity politics, done the way you're doing it. ie 'you're a naughty white person!' (Your assumption, my race isn't made explicit) is pushing the working class white vote to the political right.
That's the point you're missing. The heavy handed approach made by relatively wealthy middle class liberals (some of them BIPOC) will disproporitionately affect the working class BIPOC communities, who will get the brunt of white working class frustration. You can make the case that Oprah is more oppressed than a homeless white heroin addict (and semantically I'd agree with you in particular situations) - but you've got zero hope of selling that conceptual and ideological framework to those in poverty.
More importantly, when you try, Donald Trump (or a smarter version) will come along and say.... 'You know who have it easy, the blacks/jews/chinese/scapegoat' - look at this instance where the BLM founder bought herself a mansion on a hill and is still telling everyone they're oppressing her. The white working class demos have been pushing further and further to the right the more they're accused of being the face of bigoted evil. Read the comments of white folks on this story and you'll see what I mean.
So yes. The money is all with the corporations and the elites (most of whom are white) - but this article isn't a stinging rebuke of BIPOC as you seem to think it is - it's a warning about the game plan the political left has embarked upon. It's pissing away strategic economic policy in favour of chasing the identity politics rabbit. It'll get them nowhere but internal civil strife, identity based pissing contests and voted out.
I imagine you got recommended this becuase you're smart and you read race stuff. Don't make the mistake of thinking everything that should be recommended to you is something you should agree with. That's a recipe for psychological mismanagement on an epic scale. Thanks for the pat on the back. Now here's another story I wrote I recommend you read because you'll disagree with it. Come at me in the comments and don't presume non-agreement with your world view is a sign of a) being right-wing b) being white or c) idiocy.