Yes, Stalin and Mao had a similar rallying call. They rejected the right entirely and tugged their respective nations into a brighter and brand new society. They genuinely built a new world and in Mao’s case a new language to go with it. They were idealists not constrained by either the establishment or the democratic process - and you know what, objectively speaking both propelled their individual country through huge amounts of technological progress. They killed millions of their own people through torture and starvation to do it - but they did do it.
Now I’m not saying you’ll do that - I’m saying that wasn’t their plan when they started out either. They wanted to eschew all forms of Conservatism and build a bright future for all. Democracy is a fudge, but I prefer the fudge than gambling everything on the promise you won’t eventually turn into an untouchable god like monster, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Keep both the left and right constrained at all costs.