Yes, the two psychologists were an interesting turning point. I thought the cross of Dr Hughes and Dr Spiegel (both Heard's witnesses) was very effective. I felt Dr. Hughes had been compromised somewhat away from neutrality (as did one of my close friends who is also a therapist) - and Dr Spiegel is clearly not used to being questioned - he was led far too easily into anger and petulance.
I think Depp will do a while on the indie scenes and tbf, that's where he needs to be. He's a great actor (in my opinion) but I prefer him outside of franchises. Heard's career is pretty much dead in the water for the time being - though I think she may find employment with those interested in pushing her narrative (and there are plenty of people who will).
I am not a fan of that court either - and you don't need to be famous to experience it. You simply have to be on the wrong side of someone malevolently inclined. :o/