You appear to have stopped writing in 2020 - and that is a shame, you should get back to it. You have a nice flow. As always, I often go read those people who disagree with me most vociferously to find out what motivates them to do so.
Sounds like you've gone on quite a journey - I'd recommend reading some stuff about attachment theory, there's a particularly good lady called 'Heidi Priebe' on Youtube who talks about avoidant attachment patterns that might be of interest to you. The curse of the highly intelligent is that they're always trying to work out what's going on through books and through study and coaches. If you haven't found attachment theory yet (and I suspect you have) you may find it very useful. Now.... before you kick off at me (as you're no doubt wanting to do) consider why I told you these things and consider how interesting it is that you get so angry and triggered by what I write. I mean that sincerely, if you're having an emotional response to me, then work out why and what I represent.
We're both argumentative, we're both right. We both hate being told what to do. Only one of us went to Cambridge and got a six figure salary. The other one didn't do that and became an online bird. I didn't buy the money, materialism, marriage lie - but my mother was very insistent I went to Cambridge.
I declined and did an A-level in Dance instead.
All this is to say... Medium needs smart people writing good suff - it's what balances out some of the very popular dross being written by those in echo chambers. You're smart, I'll likely disagree with whatever you write, that's fine, write it anyway. Now kick off at me because I've told you to do something ;o)