You WON'T believe the comment Penguin has on this article. Steve Jobs and Meghan Markle couldn't believe it either. So what did Penguin have to say?
Penguin approves.
Clickbait is only clickbait if it doesn't follow through on the promise in the title. Being controversial isn't the same as being clickbait. Writing a hyperbolic headline isn't clickbait. To quote Justice Potter Stewart on what does and doesn't constitute pornography.. 'I know it when I see it'. I know it when I've been click baited.
Never read an article of yours that didn't pay off the title. Never seen a story of yours with a title I didn't want to click. In this pornography analogy I've accidentally stumbled into - your titles are titillating but never obscene. A difficult balance to strike but one that undoubtedly makes the less experienced writers a little jealous.