You're one of the few writers on here I'd actually pay to listen to.... all the best writers don't have courses because you can't really sell 'voice'. I'm just interested in Horgan Torah the brand - and only because I'm also a brand. I want to know if we share some of the same experiences of writing outside of 'ourselves'. Flossyfee and all that.
Like you, I've helped a few people (mostly new writers) on the sly and behind the scenes - and now I'm thinking of just writing a course and putting it out on Medium for free, because fuck it, creativity shouldn't have a buy in cost. The best writers on this platform couldn't give a shit about earnings, those happen to be a byproduct of doing something you love.
I read your cat-piss-eye-story.... I liked it. I like what you do here - Medium was in dire need of a disruptive voice to cut through the bland saccharine trifle of nothingness - you're exactly what we needed and I'm glad you're here. Keep on fucking shit up and throwing chaos out into the ether - otherwise we'll all take ourselves too seriously.
If I was going to endorse one course, it'd be yours. And I don't even need to have gone onto it to say that. Feel free to use that fact in your marketing. :o)